Trudy Dehue (1941) studied psychology (1983) and philosophy of science (1985). In 1990 she took her doctorate cum laude at Groningen titled De regels van het vak. Nederlandse psychologen en hun methodologie 1900-1985 (translated in 1995: Changing the Rules. Psychology in the Netherlands, 1900-1985). In 1996 she was inaugurated as a professor of Theory and History of Psychology at the Groningen University. Her leading research was on depression and the depression-epidemic. In 2014 she published Betere mensen. Over gezondheid als keuze en koopwaar over de medicalisering van het menselijk leven en de invloed van de biopsychiatrie. (Beter people. About health as a choice and merchandise about medicalisation of the human life and the influence of the biopsychiatry.)
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